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Many service men and women, following careers in the Australian Defence Force, continue to seek meaning and interesting careers. In recognition of the challenges they dace, most of the staff Mobile Screening are retired veterans.

Mobile Screening also supports Soldier On, an organisation that helps contemporary veterans and their families build successful futures.

We providing financial support for Clyde Peace Cup, a golf tournament that reflects the power of sport to inspire recovery and support the rehabilitation of current and ex-serving personnel who have been impacted by their service.


Mobile Screening has an environmental policy and a commitment to offset the carbon emissions of our operations.

As a foundation, we work to reduce, reuse and recycle. We reduce our water, energy and paper consumption and consider the environment perspective in our procurement. We reuse and recycle our office and equipment and supplies as much as we can.

Every year, Mobile Screening also calculates its scope 1, 2 and 3 green-house gas emissions associated with business operations, including office and fleet. Through Carbon Neutral we purchase carbon offsets that are either the meet the Gold Standard or Verified Carbon Standard.

We service capital cities and regional Australia like no other.

22 Church Street, Hawthorn
VIC 3122

New South Wales
903/50 Clarence Street, Sydney NSW 2000

29/97 Creek St, Brisbane QLD 4000

South Australia
3/55 Gawler Place, Adelaide
SA 5000

Western Australia
202 /37 Barrack Street, Perth
WA 6000

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